Cutwork Studio

Cutwork Studio

Recently we came across some really intriguing pieces by Cutwork, a design team who has come up with an innovative way to create and assemble furniture. The tubing of their furniture is cut and scored in a way which allows you to bend them by hand and build the product in minutes. So far we've seen Cutwork tables, chairs, benches and wall mounted shelving, but it seems like the possibilities are endless. Of course we're partial to their black colored things, but this stuff is so cool we don't mind a little white. 

They are currently looking to take on projects for 2018, so if you have a storefront that needs furnishing, or if your business has a great collaboration idea, holler at them. We're definitely looking forward to what they create in the coming months, and bet we'll keep you posted on the promising future of Cutwork. 

More info and contact HERE

Halcyon Candle Snuffer

Halcyon Candle Snuffer

